Agenda: Monday, April 22,2024
This is my site Posted April 19, 2024 – 6:54 am

Tentative Agenda

Monday, April 22, 2024


Business of a General Nature:


  • The Callaway County Commission will have budget discussions throughout the day.
  • The Callaway County Commission will have capital project discussions and meetings regarding various capital projects throughout the day.
  • The Callaway County Commission will conduct business of a general nature.
  • The Callaway County Commission will have ARPA fund discussions and meetings throughout the day.
  • The Callaway County Commission will meet with citizens throughout the day.
  • The Callaway County Commission will meet with elected officials daily.


Today’s Scheduled Meetings:


  • 9:00 a.m – 10:00 a.m. …………………………………………….. 3C’s Meet with Grow MO LLC.


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