State House Legislative District Redistricting Lookup Tool
This is my site Posted May 12, 2022 – 11:27 am

State House Legislative District Redistricting Lookup Tool

Our office has completed the redistricting process for voters in Missouri’s 43rd & 49th House of Representatives districts. We encourage all our voters to use our Callaway County Legislator lookup file to find out in which Representative District they now reside or call our office to learn more. Due to the redistricting boundary lines, in some areas, neighbors who live across the road from each other will have a different representative even though they’re voting in the same polling place.

The entirety of Callaway County still resides in State Senate District 10. This Senate District now covers Callaway, Montgomery, Pike, and Lincoln Counties and drops down just a bit to include part of St. Charles County. At the time of this writing, the U.S. Congressional redistricting has not been released.

You can find the file (in a shortened URL) at this link

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